
This Is Exactly What We Want in a ‘Stock Picker’s Market’

Biotech can be a godsend for investors in a “stock picker’s market”… Remember, today’s market is a lot different than the market of the past 40 years. As my colleague and Chaikin Analytics founder Marc Chaikin explained at the end of last month… Stocks will [now] move up or down mainly based on company merit. …

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Beware the Fed’s Backdoor Rate-Hike Strategy

The Federal Reserve has a trick up its sleeve when it comes to interest-rate hikes. And importantly, it’s playing out right now… It’s called the “balance sheet runoff.” You see, during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Fed started buying bonds to keep interest rates low. That process is known as “quantitative easing” – or “QE,” for …

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We’re Now on the 1980s Recession Clock

When inflation is this high, a recession always happens… It happened in the early 1980s. And it happened every other time inflation rose above 5%. The reason is the Federal Reserve. It needs to raise interest rates in response. That’s the central bank’s primary tool to fight inflation when it gets too high. Specifically, in …

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The Most ‘Bearish’ Sector in the Power Gauge Today

We’re fast approaching the end of 2022. And as you know, it has been a wild ride… The broad market S&P 500 Index remains down around 14% this year. And the tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite Index is still down about 24% from its November 2021 peak. Despite that poor performance, regular readers know new opportunities are …

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The Leading Indicator Nobody Cares About

I bet you don’t spend much time thinking about the Baltic Dry Index… After all, as its name suggests, the index measures the shipping costs for dry goods. Dry goods are raw materials that trade in bulk. They include things like iron ore, fertilizer, coal, cement, and grains. Altogether, they’re lumped into the “commodities” category. …

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Don’t Let This ‘Analyst Anecdote’ Rule Your Portfolio

Wall Street analysts never run out of things to say… For example, last week, a UBS analyst heaped praise on Yum Brands (YUM) in a research report. Yum Brands operates fast-food brands KFC, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut. The report cited a survey from UBS that showed strong brand perception and customer satisfaction for Yum …

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When In Doubt, Do Without… and Find Something Better

Investing is never easy. That’s especially true in turbulent markets like right now. This type of market environment makes it even harder to decide when to buy or sell… For example, a business might be tailor-made for tough times. And yet, with many folks fearful of what’s going on, its stock could still get swept …

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