Marc Chaikin

After 40 years on Wall Street as a trader, stockbroker, analyst, and head of the options department for a major brokerage firm, Marc Chaikin founded Chaikin Analytics to deliver proven stock analytics to investors and traders. His work is based on the Chaikin Power Gauge, a 20-factor alpha model proven effective at identifying a stock’s potential. For over 50 years, Chaikin has developed computerized stock selection models and technical indicators that have become industry standards (including Chaikin Money Flow) and pioneered the first real-time analytics workstation for portfolio managers and stock traders.

The New Age of Computing Means We Need More Power

Computers store data. They always have and always will. But the Internet made a massive change. That’s when the world realized data could be easily stored, retrieved, and even processed remotely. And when you visit a website on a computer or open an app on your smartphone, you’re seeing data retrieved from a different computer …

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This ‘National Distraction’ Is About as Distracting as It Gets

Folks, there’s no question that the past month was dramatic… Election coverage dominated the news. The political horse race marched on. But then, the unthinkable happened. At a Republican rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, a young man climbed up onto the roof of a nearby building. And he managed to shoot at former President Donald Trump. …

This ‘National Distraction’ Is About as Distracting as It Gets Read More »

America Needs to Solve Its Retail Theft Problem

After 52 thefts and $30,000 worth of stolen goods, the cops finally got Michael Lee… Lee is accused of shoplifting from 11 different Target (TGT) stores. And just a few weeks ago, police arrested him outside a Target in southern Maryland during a reported “theft in progress.” Now, it’s an ongoing investigation. And I can’t …

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It’s OK if the End of June Falls Flat

Editor’s note: Chaikin Analytics founder Marc Chaikin expects a big second half of 2024… Regular readers know that’s part of Marc’s broad election-year thesis for stocks this year. He believes the market will keep moving up as we get closer to decision day in November. But that doesn’t mean we’re free from volatility… You’ve probably …

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