Marc Chaikin

After 40 years on Wall Street as a trader, stockbroker, analyst, and head of the options department for a major brokerage firm, Marc Chaikin founded Chaikin Analytics to deliver proven stock analytics to investors and traders. His work is based on the Chaikin Power Gauge, a 20-factor alpha model proven effective at identifying a stock’s potential. For over 50 years, Chaikin has developed computerized stock selection models and technical indicators that have become industry standards (including Chaikin Money Flow) and pioneered the first real-time analytics workstation for portfolio managers and stock traders.

What About Cash?

Editor’s note: Regular readers might recognize today’s essay from Marc Chaikin… We first published it back in December. But as we believe you’ll see, the essay’s message is important today… We’ve discussed many times this year how we believe stocks have more room to run in 2024. But despite the S&P 500 Index’s 11% gain …

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We’re Setting Up for a Big Second Half

I’ve written a lot about what history tells us regarding stocks in presidential-election years… Stocks have rallied from June through December during 16 of the past 18 presidential-election years. And they’ve produced an average gain of 10% in those years. A recent study from Bank of America zeroed in on this idea even further… According …

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Investment Opportunities Hide in ‘Boring’ Places

The Great Fire of Rome raged for six days. It wiped out 10 of the city’s 14 districts… Nearly three-quarters of Rome burned before officials got the blaze under control. If you’ve ever heard how Emperor Nero “fiddled while Rome burned”… this is that fire. In Nero’s time, Rome was the world’s biggest city. It …

Investment Opportunities Hide in ‘Boring’ Places Read More »

Volatility Is Back… And That’s a Good Thing

Stocks just went on an incredible five-month run… The S&P 500 Index surged roughly 25% from the end of October through the end of March. That’s the best five-month performance for the benchmark index since 2020. Perhaps more impressively, the S&P 500 didn’t suffer a single 2% pullback in that span. A few catalysts led …

Volatility Is Back… And That’s a Good Thing Read More »

What the Latest Inflation Numbers Mean for Investors

Last week’s inflation data surprised a lot of folks… On Wednesday, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics released its Consumer Price Index (“CPI”) report for March. In short, the numbers came in above expectations. So-called “headline” inflation was up 3.5% year over year. And “core” inflation (which ignores food and energy costs) showed that prices …

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I’m Still ‘Bullish’… But Ready for the Next ‘Buying Opportunity’

By now, regular Chaikin PowerFeed readers know all about my market optimism for 2024… In short, it draws heavily on the “bullish” tendency of stocks in a presidential-election year. The S&P 500 Index made another new all-time high this week. It closed at 5,175 on Tuesday. It’s up about 8% so far this year. Notably, …

I’m Still ‘Bullish’… But Ready for the Next ‘Buying Opportunity’ Read More »

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