This Is Why the Tech Boom Never Ends

He Shuang spent her whole life wanting to get away from her remote farming village…

But her dream job took her back where she started.

She grew up in the mountains in central China. And she didn’t want to end up like her parents. They grew pomegranates for a living but only made a few hundred dollars a year.

When He Shuang left home to work as a flight attendant in 2016, her parents were thrilled. She had landed a job at one of China’s biggest airlines.

He Shuang was the talk of her hometown at the time. In a month, she would make more money than her parents did in a whole year.

She also learned what living in urban, modern-day China was like…

It’s a fast-paced, connected world. And “cashless” payments reigned supreme. Living the urban life meant paying for things using her smartphone instead of physical cash.

E-commerce started taking off in Chinese cities. And many folks wanted to start buying things from sellers as they watched in real time. It’s a practice called “livestreaming.”

A year after starting her job as a flight attendant, He Shuang made a trip back home. And she had an idea…

You see, in 2017, nobody in her village had considered livestreaming on the Internet to sell their pomegranates directly to consumers.

Instead, the local farmers relied on wholesalers. These folks acted as middlemen who brought the farmers’ harvest to buyers. They often bought just what they wanted and dictated prices – leaving farmers at their mercy.

He Shuang saw a way to break that cycle…

She quit her flight attendant job to start her own business harvesting pomegranates. Then, she started livestreaming the operation right from her smartphone.

Eventually, she started using a platform specifically designed to allow sellers to reach end buyers without needing a middleman.

It didn’t take long for her to develop a big following on her account – and for the orders to start coming in. She was able to build up a small staff.

In 2019, just two years after starting her new business, He Shuang sold nearly $6 million in produce.

A decade ago, nobody in China would’ve given up a stable, good-paying job with a large corporation – like an airline operator – to become a farmer. Folks like He Shuang aspired to get away from that.

But thanks to technology, He Shuang’s vision changed…

She built a multimillion-dollar operation when she went back to her roots. And it wouldn’t have been possible without one company’s interactive e-commerce model and promotional efforts.

This isn’t the distant past we’re talking about here. He Shuang used modern technology – social media livestreaming and an innovative platform – to build a big business. And she did it in just a few years.

It’s stories like these that explain why tech stocks continue to soar. And it’s why the Power Gauge continues to spot new opportunities in the space… like the company He Shuang used to build her business.

Put simply, technology is constantly advancing. And so is human creativity.

That means there will always be investment opportunities on the leading edge.

Good investing,

Marc Chaikin

P.S. The company whose platform He Shuang used to build her business is growing massively. It’s helping millions of Chinese farmers market, sell, and deliver their produce to its hundreds of millions of users.

And now, this company has innovated beyond farm produce. It’s seeking to capture a growing slice of the global e-commerce market.

The Power Gauge helped us find this stock. And I shared all the details in the latest issue of my Power Gauge Report newsletter – which published just last week.

If you aren’t already a Power Gauge Report subscriber, find out how to gain access to this brand-new recommendation with nearly 40% upside potential – and our one-of-a-kind Power Gauge system – by clicking here.

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