Pete Carmasino

Pete Carmasino is our chief market strategist at Chaikin Analytics. He has more than 25 years in the financial-services industry. Pete's years of knowledge in many different strategies help thousands of our subscribers to decipher the markets... His ability to take complex concepts and break them down into digestible information is a true asset. Prior to joining Chaikin Analytics, Pete owned and operated a registered investment advisory ("RIA") firm where he managed his clients' portfolios using his proprietary methodologies. And he spent the bulk of his career as a portfolio manager for high-net-worth families, individuals, and institutions. Pete brings portfolio-management experience to Chaikin Analytics from some of the largest names in finance – including Prudential Securities, Lehman Brothers, Wachovia Securities, and PNC Investments.

How the Power Gauge Saw Warren Buffett’s Secret Trade

Warren Buffett may be 93 years old… but that doesn’t mean the investing legend is done making big moves. His business, Berkshire Hathaway (BRK-B), has been on a secret buying spree. In fact, it accumulated about $6.7 billion of a single company. Amazingly, Berkshire managed to keep the purchases secret for nearly nine months. Or, …

How the Power Gauge Saw Warren Buffett’s Secret Trade Read More »

The Electrification of America Is on the Rise Again

Our Internet-connected world relies on data. And we couldn’t satisfy our data cravings without the Washington, D.C., suburbs… You see, around 300 data centers operate in Loudoun, Fairfax, and Prince William counties in Virginia. The area is widely known in the tech industry as “Data Center Alley.” Importantly, Data Center Alley is growing to meet …

The Electrification of America Is on the Rise Again Read More »

This Overlooked Sector Just Turned ‘Bullish’ in the Power Gauge

We’re on the verge of “Version 2.0” in electricity. And in the coming years, this mostly “boring” sector will get exciting. It all comes down to two emerging technological megatrends… The first one is artificial intelligence (“AI”). It’s reshaping how we think about what computers can do. But notably, training and running AI machines takes …

This Overlooked Sector Just Turned ‘Bullish’ in the Power Gauge Read More »

How I Helped Turn $600,000 Into $20 Million in Just a Few Years

A homeless-looking man with a thick European accent walked in holding a $600,000 personal check… Before that, I was having a normal workday in 1998. I worked as a broker-dealer in those days. My company had several offices around the country. Our branches were typically in towns with a lot of high-net-worth residents. Folks would …

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A ‘Riptide Warning’ in the Markets Means These Sectors Are Outperforming

Last Thursday, I discussed what could be the start of a new trend in the markets… and why it could be the beginning of a “riptide.” Put simply, the tech-heavy Nasdaq 100 Index is breaking down versus the broad market S&P 500 Index. As I explained, we can see that through the recent weak relative …

A ‘Riptide Warning’ in the Markets Means These Sectors Are Outperforming Read More »

Pay Attention to the Market’s ‘Riptide Warnings’

Editor’s note: The markets and our Chaikin Analytics offices will be closed tomorrow, March 29, for Good Friday. So we won’t publish our Chaikin PowerFeed e-letter. We hope you enjoy the long weekend. And you can expect to receive your next issue on Monday, April 1. I know from firsthand experience that riptides are powerful… …

Pay Attention to the Market’s ‘Riptide Warnings’ Read More »

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