Vic Lederman

Vic Lederman is the Editorial Director at Chaikin Analytics... And he has become something of a "geniuses' keeper of secrets" over the years... You see, Vic worked with scientist and inventor Andy Hildebrand. In that role, he tested and supported the kind of technology products that have contributed to nearly every pop music recording since the 1990s. Vic worked with Andy in the final years leading up to the company's sale. Then, Vic joined our corporate affiliate Stansberry Research in 2017. He worked alongside investment-newsletter industry legend Steve Sjuggerud. Specifically, he helped Steve in the years leading up to his successful retirement... In one of his main roles, Vic led the company's coverage of the commercial real estate space as the editor of True Wealth Real Estate. He brought the "insider only" world of private real estate deals to everyday investors, along with the most promising stock recommendations in the housing space. Vic also helped with True Wealth Systems. In that publication, he completed a behind-the-scenes analysis of Steve's overarching strategy. And he developed quantitative, trend-based trading strategies while testing millions of system variations. In True Wealth, Vic produced research-driven, evidence-based investing ideas with a "big picture" approach. By doing that, he helped uncover fundamental stories supported by financial trends. Now, at Chaikin Analytics, Vic is bringing his diligence in editorial production and market analysis to a new group of investors... Vic is excited to help Chaikin Analytics subscribers find the most compelling investment opportunities alongside Wall Street legend Marc Chaikin. Most importantly, Vic is known for his aggressive "do it right" attitude and is bringing that philosophy to our company.

Two Mega-Retailers Battle Before Black Friday

Folks, we’re just a week away from Black Friday… And two of America’s biggest mega-retailers are once again about to battle it out. I’m talking about Walmart (WMT) and Target (TGT), of course. Together, these two companies accounted for more than $607 billion in consumer spending last year. But if you’ve looked at their stocks …

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The Power Gauge Spots a Change in Regional Banks

This year’s banking crisis scared the heck out of many Americans… A few, mostly unknown regional banks collapsed in the first few months of 2023. And as the story unfolded, we learned more about their dangerous and tangled bets. But if you’re a regular Chaikin PowerFeed reader, you likely weren’t caught off guard… Chaikin Analytics …

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The Power Gauge Perspective on Dinosaur Nuggets

You might not think chicken nuggets have much to do with investing… That’s especially true for dinosaur-shaped “Fun Nuggets.” After all, they’re made for kids. But this product is a serious business for Tyson Foods (TSN). And unfortunately for the packaged-food producer, that part of its business just suffered a big setback… On Saturday, the …

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How I’ll Set My ‘Recession Alarm Clock’

It’s official, folks… Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell is adjusting the central bank’s posture. Powell told reporters yesterday that the Fed is still asking itself, “Should we hike more?” But then, he followed that question with a newly “dovish” statement… Slowing down is giving us, I think, a better sense of how much more we …

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It’s Official… We’re in a ‘Double Correction’

After a few rough months, the stock market just crossed an important threshold… Both the S&P 500 Index and the Nasdaq 100 Index are in “correction” territory. In other words, the market is now in a “double correction.” A double correction means the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq 100 have both fallen at least 10% …

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When Money Is Expensive, Electric Cars Look Like This

The end of the “easy money” era is punishing the car industry… When loans were cheap, buying an overpriced car didn’t seem so bad to most folks. After all, low interest rates made for low monthly payments. But the current environment is a lot different… Like anything else these days, interest rates for car loans …

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You’re Right… Nobody Wants to Work Anymore

If you’re a news junkie like me, you’ve likely seen the latest report about LinkedIn… The career-focused social media company is laying off nearly 700 people. LinkedIn previously cut about 700 positions in May. So that’s around 1,400 layoffs this year. These moves shouldn’t surprise you… After all, Microsoft (MSFT) owns LinkedIn. The software giant …

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