
How to Avoid the ‘Amazon Bear Trap’

Editor’s note: The markets and our Chaikin Analytics offices will be closed Monday, January 17, to commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Because of that, we won’t publish the Chaikin PowerFeed e-letter. Look for your next issue on Tuesday, January 18. We’re all human… We all make mistakes. But that doesn’t mean we should accept …

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The Sad Story of an Amazon Short-Seller

A big difference exists between being wrong… and understanding why you’re wrong. Consider the case of “Larry Smith”… That’s a fake name for a real person with whom I’ve crossed swords over the years on a well-known, investment-focused website. It all started back in December 2011… Larry stated his case for short-selling Amazon (AMZN) in …

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This Stock’s High Yield Is Less Risky Than It First Appears

If you’re searching for high yields, you’re bound to look into real estate investment trusts… Historically, they’ve offered some of the most attractive yields in the market. But as we learned in our “prudent yield hog” series a month ago, it’s naïve to just chase high-yielding stocks without doing a little bit of additional work. …

This Stock’s High Yield Is Less Risky Than It First Appears Read More »

What the Death of ‘Safe Havens’ Means for the Market

A travesty is playing out in the investing world right now… “Safe havens” are disappearing. U.S. Treasury bonds and gold are the most notable safe havens. For decades, investors could park their money in these assets… And they could often make modest gains with relatively low risk. This blueprint worked perfectly for retirees… That’s because …

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Rebels Get Glory… But Followers Get Money

Defying convention makes for great fiction… Legendary playwright William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is about a pair of young lovers who do just that. They go against their two families’ wishes and fall in love. In the end, Shakespeare’s masterpiece became one of the greatest pieces of fiction ever written… And 425 years later, it’s …

Rebels Get Glory… But Followers Get Money Read More »

You’re Going to Need a Few ‘Buckets’ in Retirement

You’ve probably never heard of liability-driven investing – or the “bucket strategy”… But importantly, it was the strategy I used over my 25 years working for some of Wall Street’s biggest names. And it’s not only for the big money… You can do it, too! In fact, I believe the bucket strategy is the best …

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These Two Industry Stalwarts Avoid the ‘High-Yield Cliff’

“Perfectionism rarely begets perfection, or satisfaction – only disappointment.” Those words of wisdom come from New York Times bestselling author and The Daily Stoic podcast host Ryan Holiday. They serve as a great lesson for investors, too… We all want to own shares of rapidly growing companies with other appealing traits. We seek great balance …

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