Marc Chaikin

After 40 years on Wall Street as a trader, stockbroker, analyst, and head of the options department for a major brokerage firm, Marc Chaikin founded Chaikin Analytics to deliver proven stock analytics to investors and traders. His work is based on the Chaikin Power Gauge, a 20-factor alpha model proven effective at identifying a stock’s potential. For over 50 years, Chaikin has developed computerized stock selection models and technical indicators that have become industry standards (including Chaikin Money Flow) and pioneered the first real-time analytics workstation for portfolio managers and stock traders.

This Is Like Sitting In on Private Board Meetings

Information leaks… The “smart money” buys ahead of major announcements… And analysts at the biggest investment banks have unprecedented access to what’s happening. That’s just how the world works. There’s no getting around it. Now, don’t get me wrong… I’m not saying the reign of the “insiders club” is the way it should be. But …

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The Midterms Bring Market Hope

Folks, we’re in a midterm election year… And if history proves right, things are going to get worse before they get better. The average peak-to-trough pullback in midterm election years over the past century is 17.4%. That’s roughly eight percentage points worse than the current decline… The benchmark S&P 500 Index recently dropped into “correction” …

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Why Russia’s Attack Means West Texas Matters More Than Ever

Jim McNeely hit a dead end… He dropped out of high school to care for his sick mother. Then, Madelon Wales put an end to Jim’s plan to marry her daughter. She wouldn’t accept a grocery checker as a son-in-law. The Wales family did toss one crumb Jim’s way, though… They connected him with someone …

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Pro Investors Do This… Amateurs Don’t

Investing isn’t easy. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Having access to the most powerful analytical tools available helps – a lot. Great investing requires great data and evidence-based analysis. But there’s something more basic underneath that, too… It determines, right from the outset, whether or not an investor will find long-term success in the …

Pro Investors Do This… Amateurs Don’t Read More »

The Thing I Was Banned From Made Me Famous

I’m a visual person, so I’ve always liked charts… But back in the late 1960s, my branch manager at Shearson, Hamill wouldn’t let us have them on our desks. You see, investment-banking clients would come through our area. And he didn’t want anyone outside the firm thinking we relied on charts – or the “technicals” …

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